New! Watch the 6-session class, Bring Your Inner Heroine to Life, recorded live this Elul 5783! Learn more details and how to watch.
The Heroine’s Journal is a printable journal with twelve short lessons using Jewish wisdom and personal empowerment concepts to help you grow into all your gifts. For use during Elul and all year long.
Women using the Heroine’s Journal as part the “Your Life is a Heroine’s Journey” program at the L’chaim Center in Deerfield, IL (August 2022)
Learn more about this project:
This Elul, Jewish Women are Heroines (Times of Israel)
Accounting for our Gifts (The Wisdom Daily)
Did you know? You can also bring this resource to your community as a customized program! Check out recent programs.
Peek inside! Lessons include (click for sample pages):
A Great Beginning
Role Models
Reconstructing Ourselves
Overcoming Barriers
Circling Back
To get your own copy, please choose one of these two options.
You can download and print this resource for your own use - free! Click the “I’m ready!” button, then make sure to check out in the “Cart” on the upper right side of your screen. A document link will be emailed to you. For printing instructions, see details and click the link below.
Printing Instructions: Print double-sided (flip on short edge) on five sheets of paper. Fold as a booklet. Staple on the outside fold. Here is a short instructional video on Instagram.
Alternatively, I’m happy to mail you a printed copy for $5.00. Email me with the subject “Heroine’s Journal” to make arrangements.
New Videos about the Heroine's Journal!
Sari Kopitnikoff of That Jewish Moment shares from her own Heroine’s Journal experience.
Continuation of Sari’s Journey! Exploring Lesson 4, Feminine Jewish Superpowers.
Part III of Sari’s Journey, exploring Overcoming Obstacles. (Lesson 10)